Friday, April 05, 2024

A Christian Leader's Life in Censorship and Porn-Hacking, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

This post, "A Christian Leader's Life, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5" remains offline, but more than 6,500 people have viewed it nevertheless. 

"You are obviously the victim of a crime," wrote Oregon attorney John Walsh in April 2024

"I wouldn't put up with this either," said Judge Charles Carlson in 2022.

There is a general smell of murder in this hacker's work, even the threat to harm a child.

                 A Christian Leader's Life, 5 

                                 FBI News
December 14, 2024. After a review of these materials, a Eugene Police Department supervisor, CSO Kelsey Anderson, yesterday said this case is "beyond our expertise" and had already referred it to the FBI. I have mentioned my frustrations about law enforcement's inability to handle advanced hacking cases in small cities, but I'll admit they simply don't come across a case like this very often.

Gregory Wolfe Continues to Use Death Images to Harass Me and My Family

(I feature this September 20 entry to showcase a death image of a child and Wolfe's focus on my son)

September 20, 2024. Greg has communicated his death wish for me a thousand times--and threats against my son. One of his favorite places to do this is on my Facebook friends list. Here is a pic of a tiger pursuing Winnie the Pooh--an attempt to keep it light--and next to it is a body lying on its face in cruciform, possibly a child's body, if you look at the ankles. It's probably not a dead body, but it suggests the appearance of one, and that's what matters to Greg. Take a look at the comments on the second photo. "Nailed it!" It might be AI-generated.

I have never seen these "friends" before. I believe Gregory Wolfe has swapped my actual friends for these friends. 

[Greg has edited the above narrative, removing any mention of a child. I restored it.]

My screen shot seems to have been darkened and blurred, when compared to the profile pic (I had blocked this profile, so I looked it up on my ex's computer). Greg often blurs posts I include on my blog, possibly to make them harder to see, so that I have to repost.

As I have mentioned in earlier sections of this post, he hacks into my Facebook app, not into the Facebook website. Please view another Facebook hacking incident in which he placed the FB profile of my friend (who had committed suicide a year earlier) in three different positions in my Facebook friends profile lineup, as a threat to me and a meaningful invitation. He also likes to show me what he's doing, even while trying to hide.

Suspicious Silence at Amazon
Yesterday my publisher told me that she emailed a ticket to Amazon Central to fix my Amazon page and got back to them three times, but no one got back to her, over two weeks. Amazon Central is very good about getting back to writers--and even better at getting back to publishers. My publisher believed this was unusual, too.

Since I know Greg views and deletes my emails--and gets into my associates' emails and deletes those too sometimes--I suspect Greg killed my publisher's emails to Amazon. After all, he has a strong motive to limit the publication of a book that exposes him. I believe he removed my Amazon page for this reason, and it's certain he will employ his hacking skills to harm the reach of The Lord's Hacker. He has earned my title for him--the censorship publisher.

I'm sure he's been all around my publisher's offices, getting his peeks at pretty women, taking down his pants and whispering misogynistic words through shut teeth (as Pope Innocent III watches from his picture frame) and also checking out where my book is on their lists while he enjoys a creme-filled donut.

People's past selves give insight into their currents selves especially when they're not interested in changing.

Evil Needs a Place to Hide
December 14, 2024. It's difficult to suffer the abuse of a Christian leader without it souring you on religion to some extent. The percentage of Christian leaders who harm children, for instance, is certainly very high, in Catholic and Baptist churches and beyond. 

For the average believer, faith is something positive. My mom was a great Catholic who befriended people everywhere she went. She served others. Her faith further animated the goodness she already had.

But faith also seems to draw those, a minority, who want a place to hide. They have dangerous urgencies, an addiction to abuse, and they need a cloud of public Christian morals that will cover their illegal behaviors, allowing their hands to work unseen. Many abusers might even believe they're "devout." I say illegal because I'm talking about hair-raising crimes, not about affairs, bankruptcy, drinking, or other garden variety personal problems that people gossip about.

People of the Lie, by M. Scott Peck, a Christian, explores this truth that evil needs a place to hide. It ought to be required reading in church leadership.

December 12, 2024. I attempted to contact InvestigateWest about a possible investigation of Gregory Wolfe. I found the same interference as when I was in touch with the Eugene Weekly editor Camille, who said I was "on the list" for an investigation but then stopped communicating.
Someone on InvestigateWest's FB Messenger today wrote that my email wasn't getting through. Was it an employee writing? Was it Greg? I don't know. But I do know Greg impersonates people often, and he gets into any app with ease. As I have mentioned, he uses a layering technique with texts, so that he can send texts without the owner of the text app even noticing.

Greg corrals my emails before sending them out, and reviews incoming mails too. If Greg was impersonating an employee here, he would know that the email he provided wouldn't get through either, because he would delete it.

Now you see why some in law enforcement have ignored this stuff--it sounds too crazy or intricate to believe. It's also likely that some feel it's ten miles above their skill level. But it's forgivable that most of them are not familiar with Chinese-government-level hacking. And Gregory Wolfe is that good. He can be sloppy but he seems to work fast. He wants to hide from the law but also shows me what he’s doing. And he’s dangerous, and malevolent. You might have to go to Washington DC to find hackers good enough to fight him, but they are well-paid and very busy.

When I first saw the InvestigateWest site, today at about 1 pm, there was a photo of two journalists front and center, two women on a couch, one wearing a backwards baseball hat. Within two hours of my first email contact, that photo was removed. This might be a coincidence or it might not be. But it's possible that Greg hacked them immediately to send out an early salvo in warning. 

I believe Greg hacked Camille at Eugene Weekly last year. He had already suffered one investigative article about his sexual harassment, when he was fired by his all-women staff at Image. He turned into a dark angel at that time and determined to use his genius hacking skills to scare the hell out of anyone who might investigate him again.

When I called the InvestigateWest number, I found a robot voice telling me to leave a message. Later I took my phone off wifi and called back. This time I got the voicemail of someone who actually works there. My phone log shows I called the same number both times. Again, the exact thing happened at Eugene Weekly when I tried to call them last year, first the robot voice asking me to leave a message, then (after I cut wifi and called back) a real voicemail from someone who worked there. 

Greg is able to set up a fake voicemail when I call a certain number. But this hack only works when my wifi is on.

The Seattle-based InvestigateWest number shows as Spokane on my phone log. Both calls are shown here.

I can't be sure that my voice message got through, considering Greg's myriad tricks. Amazingly, Gregory Wolfe actually shuts down investigations! He's done it before. It amazes me, also, that anyone would doubt that Gregory Wolfe is doing all of this. Who else is going to such trouble to shut down investigations about Gregory Wolfe other than Gregory Wolfe? 

(It's necessary to read this entire, lengthy post to see the repetitions. This is section 5. I start with section 1 below).

Since my novel The Lord's Hacker is forthcoming at Sunbury Press, I expect that he will hack them too, and I believe he removed my Amazon author page to decrease the audience for that book. It's what he does. 

I hope that someone contacts InvestigateWest (anonymously) and tells them this story and leaves them a link to this blogpost, "A Christian Leader's Life." But it might be too late if they've already been hacked--unless they are incredibly strong people. Most people get under their beds when Greg comes at them with his hacking storm of porn and multi-level destruction, sending them pictures of their family and pics of dead children. The list of his hacking victims is long, and I have discussed much of it below.

Here is their website:

                               Telling Pics
December 7, 2024. 
He has used this picture for a year or two, instead of the old, smiling "nice Christian" picture he used to use. This new photo communicates that he's a killer, a threat to anyone who challenges him, ever since he was fired for sexual harassment at Image Journal. It's not a look associated with Jesus, by any stretch. 

Below is who Gregory Wolfe was trying to be about thirty years ago, when all was going well at Image Journal

Check out one of this predator's many sham titles. Then take a look at the two posts below it.

     A Disturbed, Immoral "Christian Leader"
November 19, 2024. For days Gregory Wolfe has been sending me more photos of my son, as a baby, as a toddler, and more recent pictures--even though I turned off Messenger a few months ago, when he was sending pictures of my son then too. 

Last week, he sent a "memories" pic, with my son in view, but he disabled screenshots of it. Next day, he sent a memories bar, without my son in view, maybe so that it was impervious to screenshots that would reveal something. When I clicked the bar, it went to a pic of my son in diapers. There is clearly no uniformity in the memory shots he's sending. And there are no records of these dark gifts in "memories" or Messenger.

Greg wants to communicate that something bad is going to happen to my son. He sends me death images of children for the same reason.

The other day I sent a new picture of my son to the Christian scholars. He's ten, wears a hat over his long hair, and has a natural, happy smile. Even the most hardened prisoners know that children are sacred. But Greg, a "Christian," doesn't know that. 

                       A Sneak and a Fraud 
October 17, 2024. Gregory Wolfe has committed fraud against thousands of innocent people in his various Christian enterprises. He has sold his Christian humanist idea to coax artists to his Glen retreat, all the while studying his dark webs tools to harass, bully, censor, and destroy anyone who challenged him. Let’s not forget that the author of a book on teaching morals to children harasses with adult porn, child porn, and sexually harasses young women. He made a lot of money as an outright Christian fraud. 

Greg has also been actively "editing" my forthcoming book The Lord's Hacker. Each time I read the manuscript, I find new words and sentences that have been changed. I have found the use of "lay" when "laid" was correct. And I found a previous draft in which I had in fact used laid! And I have found myriad word changes that are awkward and incorrect.
After I posted the fraud post, I discovered that my blog was empty. I saw that it was still there later. I mentioned that he uses two screens a lot.


Killed My MS Word
October 24, 2024. Greg has replaced my MS Word with some shaky app that is generally broken. Nothing works. It takes ten to twenty clicks to make the cursor appear. It's next to impossible to write with, and I'm afraid that's the idea--kill my ability to write. The spelling check is broken. The search-all function is broken. He’s really going deep in his censorship now. I just got a message that was supposed to be from Word: “How do you like our service?” Love it, Greg.

I also just saw that my MS Office Suite is up to date. My MS Word instructor months ago told me that I seemed to be using an online temporary Word app of low quality and not the one I have in my computer. This new one is even worse.

In addition, my Chrome was not clickable to go online, and it took minutes even to shut down my computer. I came to the library.

I found this fake cluster of pics on my Google page the other day. It directs the eye to my one bad review, and has no prestigious content. Google analytics is smarter than that. That's why you don't see bad reviews on other writers' Google pages.

A Stunning Act of Censorship

October 8, 2024, email to Christian scholars. 

I mentioned that I had no idea what's going on regarding my Amazon author page and how it vanished. After all, Amazon algorithms really do auto-change author names occasionally, after shoppers type in the wrong name too many times. I have a long name so it makes sense that people would type in "Blackett" and let the autofill finish the rest.

But after thinking about it some more, I don't buy it. For one thing, I'm not a big author. People aren't typing my name into Amazon enough times to change algorithms at the biggest online company in the world.

Also, Gregory Wolfe is a vicious, skilled hacker who wants me to see that he can change addresses on police forms and publishing submissions, who placed his face on my blog, took this post about him offline, deleted all of my followers, and disabled comments. He has hacked members on my email shoutout list because he believed they were getting too close to me. He has vacated almost all of my blog posts from Google listings. He hacked the CEO of Wipf & Stock to force removal (unsuccessfully) of Horses All Over Hell. He shut down my Facebook and prevented my creating an X account, deleted my emailed book submissions, created spelling and grammar errors in story manuscripts, held onto control of my Google panel, dropped most of my prestigious content from top Google pages, and placed my one negative review front and center. He has threatened me with death images and repeated pictures of my son sent via Messenger.

And this is exactly the person who removed my Amazon page. I don't believe it's a coincidence that one month after I sold my novel The Lord's Hacker, partly about him and his hacking, that my central tool for selling this book and for communicating to readers suddenly vanishes.  

This man has a thousand apps for tricks. I mentioned in my blog post how one time he removed Prime from my computer and I called customer service only to reach a sex line. He reconfigured the number on my end so it became a sex line when I called. He did that with an app. He can get into any system and make the changes he wants to.

It's not a stretch to imagine that he found an app on the dark webs that could type the name "Blackett" into the Amazon system thousands of times to where the algorithm changed my name--or he could simply remove the page. At any rate, I believe he did something like that. And this was an act of hacking he wouldn't want to be seen, because it would amount to a serious act of censorship. The beauty of it is that the Amazon algorithm really does change names from time to time. He has cover there. The problem is that he's an ardent, daily hacker, so this potential glitch deserves much greater scrutiny and suspicion than it normally would.

In 2020, I mentioned to my email shoutout group that he had gotten into my Xfinity account and made it almost impossible to complete the set up. When I tried to contact support, I got Gregory Wolfe on the texts! He wrote many silly, lighthearted things, like "Oops, sorry!" And he has done this a few other times at other apartments. I have mentioned that he pretended to be my son on Digital Touch. He has blocked countless calls I've tried to make on my phone, just to be an ass. He has created false waiting music for my calls to my doctor that are not in fact the music my doctor's office plays in its phone que. He can get into any system and sneak undercover. He is the very champion of dark web apps.

Gregory Wolfe has the skills and the fierce, constant obsession and sense of self-protection to seek to do whatever it takes. I don't believe for a second it was a glitch that my Amazon author page vanished one month after God's Hacker was accepted for publication. "Oops, sorry!" I do not believe it.

But in the long run, his action only helps my book.

Deletes Blog Posts
October 12, 2024. Gregory Wolfe has deleted almost all of my blog posts from Google. Then I looked at Duck Duck Go and found them all over there, and emailed the scholars about it. Within hours of that email, he'd pushed all of them down to far pages on Duck Duck Do. He's usually at his desk doing God knows what, but he reviews my emails I as send and receive them. Here are a few notices of my blog posts on Duck Duck Go, almost none of which appear on Google.

Greg has also disabled the copy function on my blogger, in the past couple of days, so I took screenshots of screenshots that were on my email and uploaded those.

                  A Christian Leader's Life, 1

Background: Judge Charles Carlson

March 11, 2024. In February 2022 I sought a restraining order against my hacker, my first publisher, Gregory Wolfe, after he'd been hacking me and sending me porn for eight years and obsessing about my son. The third judge I saw at Eugene Civil Court, Charles Carlson, was the one who believed the evidence I provided and didn’t simply throw it out because it lacked an IP address. High-level hackers don’t leave IPs. He said a restraining order was only granted for direct threat of violence. "But I wouldn't put up with this either," he said. "You need to sue this person." I chose to write a novel, "The Lord's Hacker," instead. 

I spent fourteen months working on this book, day and night. He hacked me especially hard while I was writing it. He hacks editors who contact me about my novels and stories, to turn them away from me. He's a malignant narcissist, and is very charming and likeable, even convincing.

I resist the idea that I harmed his reputation. He did that himself. The one-hundred scholars I updated regularly about him were open to my emails only after he was fired by his all-women staff at the literary journal he founded. He had tried to entice a young woman on his staff to his hotel room and blamed it on her when she said no. This was no sad dalliance or sympathetic mistake, but an abuse of power, especially since he gaslighted her after the event. 

The greatest advertisement regarding my hacker's reputation is his own behavior. 

In addition, these scholars are serious people, not frivolous souls amenable to baseless rumors. They are professors at Loyola, Purdue, Hillsdale, and elsewhere, and they listened to me because their vague suspicions about him had gathered into tangible facts at Image Journal

Writing to them over nine years was a rare gift of justice. All exceptions granted, our legal system tends to throw out hacking cases as a matter of course, and victims usually have no voice. 


My hacker used spoofing tricks to send porn to my Latina date. He also used a spoofing technique to sour my relationship to my landlord and to try to get me kicked out of my house. He hacked the literary journal Hobart after the editor invited my submission. And he hacked a colleague of mine, J.T. Bushnell, after J.T. wrote about my fist book, in Poets & Writers. And his hacking sent me to the hospital for a week in October, 2023.
He also intercepted a police report I filed on his spoofing messages to my landlord, and changed my name on the form to her name, and this created confusion and discord. 

He has deleted or tampered with evidence in my ongoing communication with law enforcement. I describe these and other hacking incidents below. He has also revised earlier drafts of this document to convey a haphazard and frivolous intention.

Enemy Email

Everything started with the following email exchange, when my hacker was my publisher, in 2014.  

"You decide if you want to make an enemy of me or not," he said, all because I didn't want to write articles for Christian blogs. Some of his audience disliked my book, and he said he wanted to try to make me more "human" to his Christian audience.

The first email is mine, and the second is my hacker's, both from 2013. He had rejected my first two attempts to write blog posts, saying they should be lighter for his audience, and I was starting to feel "snotty"--his number one complaint about me.

It is telling that my hacker, a Christian leader, threatened to make me an enemy, simply because I disagreed with him. I figured he must really go through the roof if a person actually disrespected him.

He asked me to apologize--he emailed that he wanted to talk to me by phone to see if I was truly sorry. When he didn't follow through with the phone call but began dropping my Google content, I emailed him he wasn't any kind of Christian and told him to F-off.

The email in which he told me he wanted to talk on the phone to see if I was truly sorry was deleted. He has restored some of the emails he deleted, as if fearing getting caught, but has neglected to restore others.

Illegal Porn

In 2015, during the first year of hacking, I believe he sent me illegal porn. He was hacking my and my then-wife's phone and making our computers hiss. I contacted the FBI and Idaho state police. I believe he wanted to get me in trouble. He is the master of the spoof, presenting digital items that seem one way on the surface, but are something else underneath. Russian-style hackers use porn and illegal porn often, to terrify and silence. 

When I gathered a list of 100 Christian scholars and told them what my hacker was up to, a friend of  his said I was crazy and needed professional help. My hacker was considered an angel at this time. I laid off that email excursion until he got fired for sexual harassment two years later. 

My Hacker Fired for Sexual Harassment

In 2017, Wolfe was fired by his all female staff at his literary journal, Image (before he started running a publishing house) for challenging workplace and sexual harassment. One of his staff said he'd invited her to his hotel room when they were at a conference. When she said no, he blamed her and tried to convince her it had been her idea all along. He frequently made light of her working-class background and suggested she needed him to advance her career (his views about working-class people are similarly revealed in later interactions with me). 

In 2013 he had made a video of his staff at his literary journalall of the young women either showing their cleavage or revealing a flash of panties or placing their pencils between their teeth etc. He had put it on Facebook but it vanished in a week. A few thousand people must have seen the post, though perhaps it seemed pretty vanilla at the time--until the women came forward later.

Everyone Knows Someone Who was Hacked
My friend Michelle who works at Smith Family Bookstore was hacked for months in 2020. She's a pro-choice activist who had apparently angered some Christian right-wingers online. A drone followed her car at night. One night, when she dropped me off in Springfield, I saw the drone hovering high above a house across the street, its light blinking. Few believed her story. "You get an IP?" people asked like a mantra.

My friend Lisa in Denmark had two hackers ruin her business. They had shut down her Facebook by posting ISIS flags on it and pro-death remarks and more, until she fled to Italy. The police threw out her two-hundred pages of evidence because they were trained to require an IP address and ignored her personal testimony regarding these hackers that she knew. 

This IP-only philosophy gives a nod to all advanced hackers, aiding and abetting their crimes, for they always hide their IP addresses. The only hackers who get caught are beginners. 

My Hacker is Known for his Dick Pics

In 2017, when Gregory Wolfe was down after his firing, I found a Facebook page in his name that someone had made. There was a row of dick pics in the banner. I supposed this person who created the page had been the recipient of such pics, and I discovered later that my hacker uses them as a weapon. Though I don't take screen shots of anything that has pornographic images, I wish I had made an exception for that Facebook page.

Ashley Madison and "The Evil Dead"

Also in 2017, my hacker learned that my second wife (in 2005) had cheated on me with our landlord, and that I cheated back. He listens to my conversations. He placed an Ashley Madison ad on my site for two months, even though my AdSense wasn't turned on. 

In September 2017 he posted this image of me online. In an email I had sent to the Christian scholars, who tend to believe my accounting of events, I had said he was evil. My hacker generally says that what I say about him is true about me.

Wallpapered My Google Page with Porn Descriptions

In July 2019, Wolfe wallpapered about twenty pages of my Google pages with porn descriptions. When anyone Googled my name, these porn descriptions came up, including some English words like cock and cunt. My name was in each description. I had asked my friends to Google my name, and these pages appeared for them to see too.

These screen shots were deleted from my phone. It's lucky that I had posted them in a private Facebook post.

Manipulates Dating Site

In May 2019 I dated a black woman through a website in Cincinnati when I was divorced. She was a Christian and wanted me to be one, and it didn't work out. In a few weeks, I looked at the dating site again and saw it was all very large black women who were looking only for sex, at least that was all I could see on the site. He seemed to say, Oh you want a black girl? Try one of these.

Sends Infected emails to My Student

My hacker's central strategy is to turn people away from me. In 2021, a private student named Arlene told me on the phone that she had received a handful of “spammy messages” that appeared to be from me, but they were slightly different than my gmail name. She said they were infected-looking. There was an added middle initial. "It looks like he's trying to turn me away from you."  

Places Alarming Books on my Amazon Page
On my Amazon page, my hacker has posted several books that sound like I am about to get hurt--one of his many subtle threats. He posted this one in August 2022. Notice the spelling doesn't justify its place on my Amazon page.

Suspicious Rejections

In February 2020, an Ooligan Press editor invited me to submit an unpublished manuscript, and returned a standard form letter after a few days. Since she had invited me to submit, it would be standard politeness to say "It's not good a fit, thank you for submitting"--something like that. Her silence reveals a pattern of editors going quiet even after they invited my work. I believe she was hacked and understood not to contact me.

Uses False Avatars

My hacker has used a hundred avatars to harass me. The following blog entry was posted in September 2021 and shot up to number one on my Google page overnight (That doesn't happen with a brand-new student blog with one post). 

Here "she" lists "a mild case of bipolar disorder" as my major literary accomplishment, no mention of my graduation at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, only negative or questionable achievements. This post was the first and only offering on the blog. (I have a manageable case of bipolar disorder, and have had two manic periods in my life. I haven't had a manic period since I began taking medication in 2010.)

This disparaging list reveals a bias against working class people and those who have struggled with mental health--a recuring theme with Greg.

Replaced links on My Website
At this time I discovered that the links on my blogs leading to my interviews and book reviews now led to professional janitorial services and "bathroom wizard" etc. when I clicked on them. I had started a maintenance job at the university. An Oxford graduate, Wolfe wants to remind everyone that he's in one class and the rest of us are in another, just as one of the woman at Image Journal conveyed in her own experience of him. 

Hacks Colleagues and Editors

In May 2021 J.T. Bushell published an article that mentions me in Poets & Writers, and was hacked as a warning to stay away from me. His many Poets & Writers articles were removed from his top Google page--all so that no one would see that he had written an article about me. JT, a friend, seemed spooked, and soon stopped communicating with me. I believe he was hacked severely and  understood he wasn't supposed to contact me.

In July 2021 I referred J.T. to the editor at Largehearted Boy in NYC, when J.T. and I were still in occasional contact, and he said he'd be glad to run a "Narrated playlist" from J.T. But he wouldn't return J.T.'s emails after that, or mine. I figured the editor had been hacked, since he'd always returned my emails, and I included him in an email I sent to the scholars about freedom of expression and the need to resist hackers, who want to control people for their own ends. Within a month, he ran J.T.'s playlist.

Phone Call from My Hacker
In March, 2022 I was in Dayton, Ohio where I was applying for a teaching job for one semester. The chair at a college there told me there were ten positions coming opening soon, and she said she liked my resume very much. The next day I called the chair and her secretary said there were no positions open. It was a nonsensical exchange that people who are hacked get used to.

That night while I was at a motel, Wolfe called in the middle of the night and said, "Wrong number, wrong number," and hung up. He has a distinctive voice, deep and pressurized. I would recognize it anywhere. I believe he wanted to communicate that I got the wrong number when I ever decided to send him my novel. I returned to Eugene.

It was hard to get teaching jobs in Oregon, and I knew Ohio was a good place to work as an adjunct.

First Threat Against My Son
In late March 2022 my hacker wallpapered the water-burial cover art of my book (a pic he helped to create) onto my son's computer. It was the day before I was scheduled to meet with the third judge, Charles Carlson. 

(In February, 2024, my hacker, Gregory Wolfe, deleted this picture from this site, along with the brief narrative that accompanied it, and deleted the picture from my laptop. He wants to use children as a harassment tool, but doesn't like being known for that. I found it elsewhere and put it back up on March 5th).

This is a picture of my son sitting in front of his computer.

Hacks My Publisher 

In May 2022 my Eugene publisher, the CEO of Wipf & Stock, called me and told me that my hacker had dropped my novel from his publishing house (I had requested to take back my book the year before). The CEO told me that Horses All Over Hell would remain at Wipf & Stock. He was friendly. I asked him if could get some "Horses"-themed bookmarks for my reading at Barnes and Noble.

When I went to the publisher to pick up the bookmarks a week later, I saw the CEO in the coffee shop on the floor below his offices, and he looked afraid when he saw me. He went out the door, and he never spoke to me again or returned any of my emails. He's one of the most gentle, good-natured people I've known, and I believe my hacker hacked him in retaliation for keeping "Horses" at Wipf & Stock. 

When I had dinner with the CEO in 2013, when my first book, Down in the River, was scheduled to be published (at this time my hacker's publishing house was an imprint of Wipf & Stock), he said he didn't much like working with the man who later would become my hacker. "He wants everyone to kiss his ring," he said.

This pattern is unmistakable: first an editor is friendly, and then he never talks to me again, though our interactions had been absent any tension. I'll always be enormously grateful to the CEO for keeping my book despite what must've been a difficult period of hacking and harassment. 

Professor Osteen Hacked
In March 2023 I wrote an email to the scholars on my email shoutout page in which I update them about my hacker. I thanked someone in the group for helping me figure out if they were receiving my missives, but I didn't mention a name. 

The same day, Mark Osteen wrote me and asked to be removed from the email list (after eight years). I told him that the emails were grayed out and I couldn't remove him now, but I'd keep trying. The next day he wrote, in all caps, "Please remove me from this list. I do not want to receive any more emails from you. Comply at last!" 

It seemed an exaggerated response for someone who had been with me since the beginning of my email list. I believe my hacker had gone hunting and found that Mark was a fiction writer and a professor of "neurodiverse" literature, and figured that he was the one who had helped me, and that he was weak and old enough to hack without consequence. I was soon able to remove his name. Mark is an elderly man, and I believe his behavior was evidence that he was hacked abusively that day. 

Spoofs Dick Pics to my Date

In December 2022 I met a Latina, Martha, who manages a bowling alley at Valley River Center.

When she and I began texting, she said she received "strange" pics, and said she liked the internet at first but now she didn't trust anyone. I never heard from her again. 

Hacked Literary Editor Who Asked to See My Work

In September 2023, Elizabeth Ellen invited my submission of short stories to Hobart after we had emailed back and forth. Then she went quiet and has not contacted me since. Her enthusiasm was interrupted suddenly, and continues a pattern of sudden silence exhibited by editors I have contacted. I believe she was hacked and terrorized and knew not to have contact with me.

Uses Illegal Video as Terror Tool

In August 2023 my hacker sent me illegal content again, spoofing it as adult material. 

Spoofs My Facebook Friend Request

In August 2023 I tried to friend ten people who had made comments on a literary site. The next day, I received five new friends. They all lived in Mexico and they liked big construction trucks. I wouldn't mind being friends with them at all, but this shows that my hacker is not only a very good hacker, but also that he doesn't think much of the working class. I believe he was saying, These are the only friends I will allow for you

Another Editor Hacked

In October 2023 I was going to submit a story to my friend who runs a literary journal in Serbia. She had asked me to send a story, and seemed disappointed when I had told her I couldn't separate a story from my published book. Then I found two stories for her. In the exchange below, she reveals that she was being hacked. 

My hacker wants to shut down any notice I might receive, even in Serbia.

Psyops Noises Issue from My Computer

In September 2023 I had been writing "The Lord's Hacker" when Wolfe fixed my computer to make a strong rhythmic panting. I looked up the use of such noises and found it's a method of wearing a person down. This technique was used by American psyops teams in Viet Nam and is used by hackers. It sounds paranoid, but he has gone to extremes before. He uses the famous porn-bombing that hackers use, and other techniques to create anxiety, shock, and pain. On Facebook, in 2014, his wife had applauded his work ethic of never leaving his desk and rarely sleeping. He was indeed hacking at practically all hours, apparently while he administered his duties at his publishing house.

Hospital Stay

I had exhausted myself by writing "God's Hacker" day and night over fourteen months, and I was beat for a long while afterwards. This sound on my computer did wear me out. When a particularly brutal hacking came after I had finished my book, I entered the hospital. I was in the hospital for five days. When I got out, he played the panting sound on my computer and hacked me--the very day I got home! He only played this "music" when I was writing The Lord's Hacker.

Swaps Digital Info on Caller ID

In November 2023 my hacker switched the name of my doctor and my pest control in my phone's address book, to suggest that I needed to be treated like a pest. He often switches caller ID so I don't know who is calling. My digital world is so full of glitches, I don't believe in glitches anymore.

Friend Requests From Kids

In 2019, I received a friend request from a young woman, from the Philippines, who was in her twenties. She liked Dickens and Classical music. In a week her avatar changed to a twelve year old who "likes ice-cream cones." These friend requests usually have one mutual friend, but I believe he only makes it look that way. Below is a more recent request, from November 2023. It's possible to receive such things without my hacker's help, but I have received enough garbage like this to wallpaper a house.

Blocks My Phone Calls etc.

On January 8, 2024, he prevented six calls to the employment department. On my phone appears a card with a green button that says "Call failed."  

Also on the 10th, I inquired about an accommodation in the disability office--I had called earlier that morning--and when I left, I found an empty digital phone card that read, "Disabled." This card began to appear every other time I opened my phone, for two weeks.

Any one of these could be a glitch, but my hacker sends communication like this constantly.
Sometimes I can call my doctor's office, but it rings and rings. Or a robot answers and puts me in a cue, but it's not the standard music that my doctor's office plays, and no one ever picks up.

Spoofs My Landlord and Tries to Get Me Kicked out of My House

On January17 2024 I received a spam letter that stated my Facebook account was going to close. I took a screenshot of it. The next day I saw that the letter had been texted to my landlord from my phone, known as spoofing. But I hadn't texted her this.

When I tried to explain spoofing to her, she didn't understand it. She said, "This was obviously sent by you. I can see your email in the screenshot." Of course my folders are in the picture. I was the one who took the screenshot.

I tried to explain that a hacker has total control of your phone. He controls all your photos and screenshots, and all the functions. If you take a nude selfie, for instance, your hacker can send it to your husband's best friend, from your phone, so that it appears that you sent the pic. One purpose of spoofing is for a hacker to send disturbing images etc. to your boss, your spouse, your kid--to cause rancor and distrust in relationships, because such texts appear to come from your phone, your name. But it's just a spoof, a trick. Your hacker is the one who sent it.

My hacker wanted my landlord to believe that I'm the type of person who sends spammy, creepy, and threatening letters of this kind.

Police Report Interference

On January 25, 2024 I filed a police report about the spoofing that upset my landlord, filling in my name and address. When I tried to submit it, there was an error message. The next day my landlord told me the police called. She said I had put in her address and email, and said, "Why did you do that! Why did you put in my name? I'm not the kind who makes police reports."

At the very least, my hacker is certainly not being careful right now. His brand has tanked, and he blames me instead of his behaviors. He's doing things, with greater repetition, that he wouldn't have done last year.

Digital Touch: Greg Pretends to be My Son

That night I texted my son that I loved him and couldn't wait to see him again. Later I got a Digital Touch message from him, where he picks a color and touches that screen, and you touch it back. Only, he told me the next day that he didn't send anything like that, and had never downloaded that app. 

It was Wolfe, pretending to be my son! Yes, things are getting weird. No surprise, he deleted this digital touch exchange, and deleted the screenshot of it later. 

            Suicide Included in My “Friends”
February 12th Facebook shows friends who are recently active. Michael's profile appeared there today. He committed suicide many months ago. That is a pretty obvious message that my hacker is going to do his best to get me to follow suit, thus the psyops panting that he puts on my computer at all hours now.

Constant Social Media Censorship

In November 2023 I joined the Facebook page Beat Poems On the Road and was receiving 500 to 900 likes on my posts. The admin, Steff, got hacked and cut me off. In Facebook pages I frequent, my hacker often uses an avatar to bark at me and complain to the admin about me. If this doesn't work, he hacks them until they drop me. I have experienced this five or six times. In the case of Beat Poems, I believe he couldn't handle that I was getting so much exposure, and he had to put an end to it. 

In 2019 he began to create many avatars that would bark at me on social media. They always had brand new accounts created that day. By 2023, his avatars had posts that went down and down their pages, and were generally posted in a single day, as if created with the help of AI. If this activity sounds bizarrely petty, tedious, and unworthy of an Oxford graduate, I would have to agree.

Threat Against My Son and Tampering with Evidence

On February19th 2024 I emailed the scholars that I had a friend request from a very young prostitute. Her comment that she could “go as long as you want” struck me as false, something an old man would say when trying to sound like a young prostitute. I didn’t take a screenshot because she might have been underage. 

Seconds after I sent that email I received this “New Photo Memory” with my son’s picture on it. The trouble is, iphone memories are an iphone-inclusive feature, and they don’t send out such notices via email. The purpose was to send fear and alarm about my son’s safety. My hacker reviews my emails and was probably angry that I laughed at him about the prostitute avatar.

Then I emailed the scholars again, about his fake email containing the iphone memories. 

The iphone memories email was deleted that day. Luckily I had taken a screenshot as soon as I received it--but screenshots aren't always secure.

It wasn't until March 11 that I saw he had replaced my screenshot with another one. This new screenshot shows iphone memories as generated by iphone instead of the original email he had sent. This new screenshot also shows a two-minute lapse between when I sent the email about the prostitute and when he sent the iphone memories email. But when I had taken the screenshot, it recorded that only seconds had passed. This man has shown that he can put himself through quick tedium for his hacking work.

This is the screenshot that he replaced mine with. Instead of showing seconds on the bounce-back email, this one shows two minutes, enough time for him to swap the screenshot with a new one.

Since then, many other pictures of my son have popped up on my phone, seemingly generated by iphone, but the repetition is suspect. Iphone pictures appear once in a while, not all the time.

The Profile of My Lost Friend Appears Again

March 23, 2024. The day this post went live I found that my hacker once again included my friend who had committed suicide in my "friends" photos. He had removed my friend's profile after I first mentioned it, and now he added it again, though this time it was on the left instead of on the right. He likes you to see it's him doing these things, even while he covers his tracks. 

It was important for Wolfe to sneak in yet another of his murky but alarming death threats--a pattern that grows more menacing with the numbers of them. 

Reordering of Google Content
March 23, 2024. The Poets & Writers article about me, my reviews and interviews in Kirkus ReviewPaste Magazine, and Rain Taxi, should be at the top of my page. Instead, my one bad review in an unknown magazine, "Drowning in Confusion," has stood on page one like a sturdy tree over years. I don't care so much about prestige--unless someone is actively dropping content to serve his own interest.

This Post is Offline
March 25, 2024. This article, "A Christian Leader's Life in Censorship and Porn-Hacking," doesn't seem to exist on the internet, despite several hundred visits during the first and second week after it went live. After this post was live for a week, I Googled a handful of sections and saw that it seemed online, but it wasn't rising elsewhere on Google. 

But someone occasionally boosts my posts, so a lot more people have seen it anyway.

Restraining Order
On March 26, 2024 I was denied a restraining order, but the judge offered interesting words. She agreed that anyone sending me death images and porn and then multiple pictures of my son may indeed be psychotic and dangerous, but the Supreme Court's ruling in 2021 allows for much deviant behavior online.

One judge, in 2021, told me, when I mentioned my hacker's porn harassment online, "That's his free speech!"

There is something wrong with our laws on cyber harassment right now. We can't seem to locate a sensible position on the issue. When we police speech online, we tend to target political speech, so we correct that overreach by backing off and allowing ghastly crimes to go unchecked.

If someone sends you death images and porn and then twenty pictures of your son or daughter from your iphone memories, in meaningful and threatening repetition, not even the fiercest Libertarian would say, "Free speech! I love this!"

But I was pleased to hear this judge agreed that his behavior may well be psychotic and dangerous and that the internet is a running ground for criminals. At least she didn't pretend that all is well and that it's free speech. 

Contempt of Those Harmed by the Church
In a 2014 video, Gregory Wolfe spoke at a prestigious college--then an admired public figure, the founder of a popular literary journal. He talked about misguided souls who had left the church. "Someone in the church may have hurt them," he said in a silly and belittling manner, as if the vast underworld of abuse in the Catholic church amounted to mere cuffs on the arm on the school yard. His insensitivity to millions of victims, living and dead, must have made it easier to begin his own regimen of abuse.


I wanted to address any who might believe I have no evidence, simply because I lack an IP or a photograph of my hacker caught in the act. As Judge Charles Carlson told me at the hearing, I have evidence that would be persuasive in civil court, and my assertions raise many questions that point directly to Gregory Wolfe.

For instance, who placed Greg's picture on my blog for two weeks, a threatening gesture, after my post went live? Only my hacker would place his image on my blog.

Who removed the many followers of this blog before I posted "A Christian Leader's Life"? 
Some other nemesis?

Who took the post about Gregory Wolfe offline, so that it didn't interact with the internet and rise on Google? Who else would want to hide it?

Who deleted the emails from my hacker to me and then restored some of them but not all? Who else had a motive?

Who deleted my email containing the porn descriptions that my hacker used to cover my Google pages, the email I had sent to the scholars? Who else would want to?

Who edited "A Christian Leader's Life" a few times after it went live, to convey a frivolous and unedited and sometimes confusing vibe so that I had to keeping rewriting it?

Who replaced the screenshot of the fake email that contained the iPhone memory?

Who deleted the photo I took of my son sitting in front of his computer? It was wallpapered with my book cover art that my hacker had helped create. My hacker had the motive.

Who is so focused on my son that he has to keep sending me his pictures to convey a threat? Who else deletes his texts? Some other random hacker?

Who demeaned, repeatedly, working class people in fake blogs and on my blog, just as he demeaned the working class background of one of the women who fired him?

Who else would spoof my police report about my hacker, placing my landlord’s name and email and phone on the report?

What else would be interested in my communication about my hacker to the police?

If it was a different hacker, he must have been very sympathetic to Gregory Wolfe and spent a lot of time covering for him and concealing his crimes.

Fun Facts about Hacking
June 30, 2004. I have heard so many people over the years express doubts about a hacker's ability to control various worlds online and inside a computer. Someone on Facebook asked me, "So this person enters Facebook headquarters, and then what?" That's a common one. In fact, the hacker gets into your Facebook app. He doesn't need to go to 1 Hacker Way and get past Zuckerberg's karate moves. Once a hacker's in your computer, he can access everything that you do. He can see your screen the same as you do--if he's advanced, that is.

"Change your passwords." This is advice I've heard from tech people, many who make a lot of money. This advice is also a favorite of cops. Even IT "experts" will tell you that you need to change passwords often. You should change them to guard against low-level types. But advanced hackers use a technique called "forced entry" to bypass passwords. I remember when I was in Pittsburgh I was changing my passwords all the time, and that never worked. Greg may have some program that captures password changes. But don't forget, Russian and Chinese hackers have recently blasted their way into Pentagon computers, despite the most advanced defenses in the world, and owned them at every level. A really good hacker can certainly get into my computer and yours.

At any rate, yes, he gets into Gmail, Facebook, Blogger, LinkedIn--all of the apps.

Regarding his ability to reorder Google content, one person told me years ago, "I doubt he has access." Again, hackers hack. They don't ask for passwords or dig them out of your trash. I have documented that many items rise and fall rapidly on my Google pages. Greg even wallpapered my Google pages with porn descriptions--In 2019 I Googled my name and there they were (see below)--and it took three days for the junk to clear out. 

Many believe that the process of changing Google content involves greasing the algorithms and spending a lot of time finessing downward movement of content. The people at Reputation dot com don't use dark webs techniques, and if they do, they sure wouldn't want you to know it.

There's a lot of innocence about hacking. But things are changing. More people know what spoofing is now, for instance. The FBI knows that a spoofer owns your phone and can send your pictures of your naked body to your husband's friend, so it looks like you're sending it to flirt. And the FBI no longer says corny, low-level stuff like, "Did you change your passwords?"

If an IT dude who seems smart about defending your computer but has no experience dealing with an advanced hacker--if he tells you "nobody's getting in" and "change your passwords," I hope you'll be a bit skeptical. Be skeptical of me too, but at least I have had some experience with a master hacker, and I've shown fifty-plus pages of real-life hacks. It's true some of it is just based on my word. But most of it is based on alarming screenshots and narrative of my experience.

I don't wish to dismiss all IT people, only to say that most of them aren't ready to defend the Pentagon. But one IT guy I met actually had a lot of experience with hackers. He worked with a lawyer I employed last year. He was familiar with top-drawer hacking. When he looked at my GW post, he said it was obvious that I'm the victim of a crime. The lawyer said the same thing, but they asked for money I didn't have beyond the $700 I had already handed out. 

IT people repeat "change your passwords" like a mantra. That's wise, since you don't want a spammer to use your Gmail account to send out a thousand messages about flipping houses in your name. But anyone who knows about high-level hacking knows that hackers hack, and they don't need passwords.

A large part of Greg's hacking involves spoofing--especially a technique I call invisible layering. In other words, when I'm corresponding with someone in text, Greg can send items in my name that become part of the text on their end, but I can't see the additions on my end, in the text I'm writing. He can also prevent the recipient from receiving a part of my text. He has withheld my texts a handful of times with my son, and he sent dick pics to Martha from my phone (both of these I describe below). 

A Christian Leader's Life, 2

Places Face on My Blog as Warning

March 20, 2024. Greg placed his face on my blog after I posted "A Christian Leader's Life." My blog has always used the picture on the top post for the site picture (after two or three days), no matter how popular a post below it might be. This Moses pic was on my blog for two weeks.

Deleted Blog Followers

March 11, 2024. Greg deleted all of my blog followers, a few hundred of them, presumably before it went live. I noticed it a few weeks later. Only one follower remains, my ex-wife. 

Relinquishes Google Control Panel 
Then Takes It Back

March 11, 2024. In my post "A Christian Leader's Life 1," I stated that Greg had seized my Google control panel. I hadn't been able to access it for years. The information on it is inaccurate and out of date, and it says I write religious fiction. I don't. The day after my post, the control panel was finally restored to me, and I could at last make edits. 

But I knew something was wrong when I tried to edit my page. It gave me one narrow box in which to type edits. The only change it ended up making was a garbled line of nonsense added to the old bio, and it still says I write religious fiction. 

I have no doubt it was another Gregory Wolfe attack. Who else would relinquish my control panel the day after I said Greg still controls it? 

Eugene Weekly

March 27, 2024. After I posted "A Christian Leader's Life," the Eugene Weekly editor said she wanted to do an investigative article on Wolfe. When I called days later, I found a generic, robot voicemail and left a brief message. Later in the day it struck me as odd that the voicemail would be generic. He has placed fake voice systems on my phone before. 

I left my house, getting away from Wi-Fi, and called again, down the block. This time there was a real voice thanking the caller for contacting Eugene Weekly, but it was closed so I left no message. 

Greg has intercepted many of my calls, often just to be a creep, but sometimes to keep me from talking to someone he doesn't want me to talk to. 

Changing My Address on My Manuscripts

Wolfe often uses clever tactics when he's censoring, sometimes changing my address at the last second before I submit a manuscript. Thankfully Heresy Press, back in January, 2024, had a bounce-back email saying they received my submission of a manuscript. I downloaded my submission and saw Greg changed my name to the University of Oregon, and put in the address and number of the university as well. Here is the bounce-back email.

Removes My Bio from My Manuscripts
April 6, 2024. Greg often makes changes to my essays right before I submit them. In this case, I saw that my bio was removed from the manuscript I submitted. It should have appeared on the following page, but that page was deleted.

Here is a screenshot of that essay, with a bio at the bottom of it. The essay sits on my desktop with the bio on it, but Greg swiped it off at the last second before I submitted it. He devotes a lot of time to hacking me.

Deleted Texts
April 20, 2024. Greg sometimes deletes certain texts I send to my son. I have already mentioned his creepy Digital Touch fakery and his focus on my son's photos. Below is a picture I sent on Easter, but he never received it, nor the words that went along with it. Other texts between us have been deleted. If it seems silly to include a tree that looks like a bunny, I would argue that Greg is deeply out of touch with innocence, even while he advocates for the all the usual Christian morals and so on. Perhaps something flares up in him when he sees it expressed by someone he hates.

Eugene Weekly

May 17, 2024. Something is going on at Eugene Weekly. On March 11th, Camilla, the editor, emailed me that I was "on the list" for an investigative report about my hacker. But she was out of touch for two months. It started to seem very odd. I emailed, called, and left messages with her receptionist, seeking an update. But I was met with that familiar wall of silence that hacked editors put up. When I asked for an update about the article, she wouldn't give one. When I asked if she had been hacked, she didn't say. Frustrated by the silence, I let her know that I was placing this on my evidence list as a possible hacking, to give Camilla a chance to correct my assumption that she'd been hacked. 

Either she was hacked, or she's not very professional.

A Christian Leader's Life, 3

         Third Appearance of My Lost Friend 

June 11, 2024. For the third time, Greg has placed my friend Michael, who committed suicide a year ago, on my friend list. First he placed his profile pic on the bottom right, then on the bottom left, and now in the middle. Suicide and death images are among Greg's favorite messages as a Christian humanist. Farther below, I provide screenshots of the other times he placed his profile pic on my friends list. On this screenshot, Michael's profile is at the bottom center.

                        Rewrites My Email

June 15, 2024. Greg rewrote this email that I wrote to my friend Jose. I took his creative writing class for fun. You can only see the difference when you look at "Ryan Blacketter wrote," right below his response, at the bottom. Greg rewrote my initial email. He receives the emails I send to others, reviews them, deletes them, or rewrites them, before sending them to the intended recipient. He also receives emails that others send to me, and he doctors those, deletes them, or sends them to me. This is part of his censorship strategy. 

It's rare that I can actually see his doctoring. But this shows it. In addition, Greg seems especially to use my Hispanic and Black friends for his hacking fun. Compare my email, at the top, to the rewrite under "Ryan Blacketter wrote" at the bottom.

Interference with Job Applications

In January, 2024 I attended a community college part-time to take a few classes to improve my job prospects--if that's even possible with Gregory Wolfe's interference. Despite two masters degrees, I have experienced a lot of suspicious interference. Gregory Wolfe sends infected emails to employers in my name when I apply to positions to create alarm about me. 

In February 2023 the chair of Southern Oregon university English Department said, "I'm sure we can find you a few classes to teach," then went suddenly out of touch. 

        Disconnects Phone Call to Therapist
June 19, 2024. Greg disconnected my phone call with a therapist. When I spoke to her again, he turned the volume on and off, for much of the call--a technique he has used before. When I hung up with the therapist, I instantly received a meme that said “Don’t fight your demons," by Bukowski. I doubt Greg likes Bukowski, but he knows I do. It was as if Greg was saying, “Don’t seek improvement. Listen to my psyops suicide music." 

                Froze My Site Visit Counter

June 22, 2024. Right after I posted this today, I saw thirty people visited the site right away. Then the counter was turned off. That's Greg's way of staying in charge--again with the censorship. He also turned off my visit counter when I posted the two paragraphs from Poets & Writers last week. He doesn't believe anyone should get notice that's a little better than what he has. He's also angry about that post because he doesn't want to explain why I dumped Slant, especially since he pretended that it was his idea that I left--awkward! [The counter resumed six hours after this post went live].

Email Submission Deleted

June 22, 2024. A Portland publisher friended me on LinkedIn, and I misunderstood her words as an invitation to submit a book. I submitted my book "Karmina" by email. When I told the publisher later that I might have misunderstood, suggesting that she should ignore my emailed submission, she wrote that she hadn't received the email. 

I believe Greg deleted the email, or rerouted it to trash, as he has done with my submissions before. 

Porn Pages: A Psychology of Perverts
June, 28, 2024. Yesterday I found that a handful of prostitutes and a possible child page followed me on FB. They were all near the top of the Followers page, and the child page had a close-up pic of a girl’s mouth open wide, with a running video of a soldier, possibly Russian, holding a small, clothed girl below. There are sex workers who follow you on FB, it's true, but these were all up top of the page. I believe Greg wanted viewers to connect them to me.

When I blocked one young prostitute, my screen froze on my phone, but I was able to block the rest on my computer.

Ongoing Obsession with My Son

June 27, 2024. Below is another pic I sent to my son. Greg cut it on my son’s text page or routed it to trash. He didn’t receive it. Greg had also turned off notifications on my son’s phone so he doesn’t hear my texts. 

June 28, 2024. Greg deleted this polar bear photo from this site and from my desktop today, and I took another screenshot of it. He has deleted other photos related to his harassment concerning my son, as described elsewhere in this document, possibly because he doesn't think that obsessing about someone else's child is a very good look. He would be right.

Some radicals say that Christians are often perverts. It’s more accurate to say that perverts are often Christians. They need an identity behind which to hide. Most perverts understand they can’t live in society as the way they are. Some become Christian leaders. Christian author M. Scott Peck explores this phenomenon in People of the Lie.

Censorship Publisher
July, 2024. Greg continues to limit my Facebook posts. Recently he allowed some posts, as if to show others that he wasn't censoring. But he has applied the usual limitations once again. He has also prevented my starting an X account. I tried for weeks to reach any of the other writers I was following or who were following me, but only avatars liked my words. AI avatars are common on X, but I should be able to reach actual people too--a lot of people start X accounts, as we know--but not when Greg's in charge. He is the Censorship Publisher. 

July, 2024. I saw a pic of Greg in this shirt, and I agree he’s immovable. To move means to flow and change, to feel remorse, and not only anger. Greg is a rock, but not in the St. Peter sense. He’s stuck in the digital world of the dark webs, with much evil in him, and he won't move on to a better way. For Greg, hacking is a delicious habit like a video game, only more wonderful because the people he hurts are real. 

Blog Comments Disabled
July 2, 2024. If you want to leave a comment on this blog, you won't be able to. Greg has disabled the comment function here. I allow anonymous comments, and it wouldn't do for one of the many people he has abused to raise his or her voice.

Hi! Hi! Hi!
July 5, 2024. I have mentioned that Greg gets manic. He thinks it's funny that he's always got my phone and computer screen on, and he can't wait for me to wake up. People used to be impressed that he was always in his office--until they found out what he does in there. 

In this case, I woke up at two in the morning and looked at my phone, and within thirty seconds I received this text.

He obviously thinks about me all the time. I think about him as little as possible. 


A Christian Leader's Life, 4

Google Alerts
In 2020, my Google Alerts was disabled and has been ever since. For ten years before this, I had received an alert every time there was a new reference to me online. Then I stopped receiving the alerts. I believe Greg intercepts those alerts and decides whether to delete the content online--or hack the person who mentioned me. If the notice is too big to delete or hack--like Poets & Writers--he drags that content down my Google pages. He also fixes this Google reordering now and then, when I complain about it.

In 2020, Greg slipped into WorldCat and dropped half of the libraries that carried my novel Down in the River. The people on my email list witnessed this deletion. He returned most of the libraries to WorldCat later, but he continued to drop some libraries that carried Horses All Over Hell, including Yale Library, University of Georgia, and others. 

Yet Another Threat Against My Son

July 19, 2024. I closed the Blogger editing page for a minute, then returned to make a correction, and the page opened to my post "First Threat Against My Son." I saw that Greg had typed in "First thre" in the search bar. When he's enraged, he generally goes to the most evil place imaginable. Yes, he is always at his desk, and he's almost always hacking. I'm not sure how much time he spends plotting against children, but I'd guess it's about 4.2 %.

[On 9/27 Greg deleted this screenshot. I restored it.]

July 19, 2024. Greg placed pictures of himself and his "Catholic family" on his Google banner.

When Greg's down, he employs something called "humanization." It basically means conducting an image campaign to sway doubters. It seems only the most soulless, easily tricked Catholics would be persuaded by this deceit. Greg picks illegal photos from the dark webs and harms kids, but look what a big Catholic family!

On the surface, the man who uses children for his hacking harassment is "Dr. Greg Wolfe." Dr. Porn is more like it. Doctor of Cruelty and Perversion would get us closer to the truth. 

The Fearful Silence of Censorship
August 25, 2024. I was exchanging emails with the editor of Heresy Press, and he will read The Lord's Hacker fairly soon. I hope I can have a small chance there, without interference.

This morning when I opened my phone I found that an off-white “card” had been placed over most of the text of our emails. Last year, Gregory Wolfe sometimes placed such cards on the very Word doc of The Lord's Hacker as I was writing it. He never left it there for more than a minute. He was just using one of his myriad hacking tricks and wanted to send the message that he’s in charge.

This time I believe Greg's covering up my emails with the editor communicates that he’s going to cancel my arrangement with the editor, that he’ll ruin it somehow, as he always does.

Greg’s censorship is tricky in several ways. Not only has Greg sent infected emails to publishers in my name—and will likely do so again—but there’s also the psychology of the publisher to consider. Though most publishers find censorship despicable, they also don’t want to walk into controversy or open themselves up to attack by malevolent actors.

It’s easy to look back at beloved writers who were censored and wonder why they were so alone in their fight, like Isaac Babel and Rousseau.

It’s only later, usually after the censored author and his enemies are dead, that supporters seek to publish their censored work. I don’t place myself in that company of luminaries—nor do I see most rejections as censorship—but I do expect fearful silence and cold shoulders from any publisher who learns of the hacking. That’s what Gregory Wolfe wants too. He loves to see his terror result in destroyed relationships and neglected books. He’d burn them if he could. Being a publisher must offer psychological cover for this passion he has for censorship.

I made the mistake of showing the editor my Gregory Wolfe files a few months earlier. He seemed spooked by it. [Greg deleted this paragraph. I restored it.]

All Greg has left is the ability to frighten people. When Orwell imagined the future as a boot stomping on a human face, he surely conjured tyrants like Gregory Wolfe. I hope there are some, like the fighters in the French Resistance, who are willing to take some risks against a true enemy of humankind.

More and More Censorship
September 5, 2024. The censorship keeps coming. When I Googled myself the other day, I found the "Throwback" review of Horses All Over Hell in a Canadian journal by accident. The review didn't tell the author it had appeared, and they didn't tell me. The review was at the top of my first Google pages, because that's how the internet works when a lot of people are reading something. Then when I posted it on my blog and on Facebook and Greg got wind of it, he dropped the review to my second Google page, because that's what he does.

An Assault Against Art and the Life of the Mind
August 20, 2024. For many years, Gregory Wolfe has made alterations of spelling and grammar in my stories and books before I send them out. I've mentioned some of the ways he does this. He often makes a line ungrammatical or confusing to undermine trust in a reader. He might believe it's a gentler method of censorship. Instead of hacking an editor (which he has also done many times), now he simply allows the editor to see the awkward line and leave the manuscript. 

I have documented his various intrusions over years, and while I expect mostly rejections from editors, I'd prefer to get rejected on my own steam. Greg's interference indeed amounts to censorship, and it is an assault against art and the life of the mind. It's impossible for him to utter his remarks about creativity and culture with any credibility while working as a censor. 

Before I was about to submit this story yesterday, I found this awkward line. I had edited the story many times and I knew all the lines. This was certainly not my edit.

The death of snail mail is unfortunate. All book and story submissions are online now. That means Greg can alter my digital submissions and ensure a rejection before editors even finish reading my manuscripts. It's a miracle that some of my writing and reviews of my books get accepted now and then.

Deleting More Libraries on WorldCat
August 10, 2024. Greg deleted the LA Times Library notice on my WorldCat for Horses All Over Hell. It appears that he has deleted this library on the actual site. He has spent years deleting libraries that carry my books on WorldCat. I discuss this elsewhere.  

A sexual harasser, a violator of childhood innocence, he is also a champion of censorship--a very strange activity for an American publisher. It seems there is a connection between these activities. After all, an abuser seeks to cover up his crimes and punish all who have told. These two motivations serve as rocket fuel for Greg's marathon stretches at his desk every day. 

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