Monday, April 01, 2024

Miscellaneous Posts

Rethinking Politics

I used to embrace a libertarian ideal of free-speech, until I discovered the right and left censor in equal fashion. Right or left isn’t the problem. Politics is the problem.

Ideology divides people and it divides the mind. It’s rare to encounter anyone who declares a love of Ernest Hemingway and Virginia Woolf, for instance. Most people would pick one or the other, as an expression of their politics.

Monday, March 25, 2024

“Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Macbeth is the most intriguing of Shakespeare’s tragedies to me. That’s because Macbeth is so changeable, ambitiously seizing on the evil of killing the king, then fretting that he will lose his eternal jewel, his soul, as if cross-currents travel in him throughout, as if many voices compete to be heard. There are several psychologically interesting quotes that explore the nature of evil, that it must be hidden behind a smile, as Lady Macbeth says. This from Macbeth: “Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires.” But Macbeth pursues his plan in tortured fashion, too good to dispatch his conscience, too bad to do the right. He’s a rare character whose enormous and ugly evil is mitigated by the powerful rage he feels against his own nature.

I have written of great evil and I have written of good people who committed it without understanding, but few wrote about it with such fearsome clarity as Shakespeare.

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Ryan's Students

"Without the Blacketter treatment I never would have gotten into the Iowa Writers' Workshop." --Jordan Glubka (Eugene, Oregon)

"If you want someone to tell you how good your writing is, have your mom read your work. If you want to learn how to make your writing better, I can't recommend Ryan Blacketter enough. Ryan has a keen ear for language and an excellent feel for a work's narrative flow. He will challenge you to become a better, more conscious writer." --Brian Peters (Princeton, New Jersey, & author of To Wander the Labyrinth)

"I go to Ryan when I want a tough critique that will get to the heart of what a story is, what it does, and what it can--and must--do." --Adam Farley ("tree lover" at Countryside Nursery and former editor of MARY)

"Ryan is one of the best, most effective, and enjoyable teachers I've ever had - THE best in my writing/literary experience. He has a way of teaching that is at once challenging, supportive, patient, humorous, refreshingly honest and straightforward, and extraordinarily concentrated and condensed. His teaching hits you with a one-two; it's packed with information that expands and stretches you in new directions and is absolutely fun as hell." --Kimberly Warren (Eugene, Oregon)

"I have taken many writing courses and Ryan's is the best, hands down. His intensity, passion and dedication to his craft are tremendously inspiring. Work with him and you will never view the art of literary fiction the same way. Survive his workshop and you will have gained many of the tools you need to thrive as a writer. The rest is up to you." --Lawrence Birch (Eugene, Oregon)

"Ryan has a magical ability to teach--and he repeats it until you get it, and knows when to move on. He believes everything in a piece of writing must link together. That's where the meaning is--in unity. Find the meaning beneath the surface, and get all the connections right. Let the reader see it." --Rebecca Evans (Boise, Idaho)

Friday, September 03, 2021

On Remodeling the Writing Factory

When I started writing twenty-five years ago, I had the discipline of a German factory foreman. Every morning at six, I leapt into my work boots and began slapping keys, writing in furious labor seven, eight, ten hours, breaking only to smoke, gulp coffee, and brood. I shouted at sentences, as if the words were lazy employees. Of course, the more I abused the words on the page, the more they refused to function, and the door to creativity was often locked.

Now and then, as if against my will, I slipped into the gentle trance of art. 

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

A Christian Leader's Life in Censorship and Porn-Hacking, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

This post, "A Christian Leader's Life, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5" remains offline, but more than 4,500 people have viewed it nevertheless. 

"You are obviously the victim of a crime," wrote Oregon attorney John Walsh in April 2024

"I wouldn't put up with this either," said Judge Charles Carlson in 2022.

A Christian Leader's Life, 5 

                         A Sneak and a Fraud 
October 17, 2024. I believe Gregory Wolfe has committed fraud against thousands of innocent people in his various Christian enterprises. He has sold his Christian humanist idea to coax artists to his Glen retreat, all the while studying his dark webs tools to harass, bully, censor, and destroy anyone who challenged him. It's no exaggeration that he seeks to ruin people. Let’s not forget that he harasses with child porn and sexually harasses young women--a true lowlife. He made a lot of money as an outright Christian fraud. 

It's amazing to consider, but Greg actually changes my applications to teach at colleges. He used to hack colleges and send infected emails in my name. Now he simply changes my applications. When I applied to teach at the community college here in Eugene, an HR person called and told me I had forgotten to upload my Iowa degree. But I hadn't forgotten. I logged in and saw that on my end my degree was attached. She let me email my degree, and she uploaded it herself.

Greg creates double pages, one I can see and one the person who is reviewing my manuscript or application can see.

I have mentioned that Greg changed my name and mailing address when I applied to Heresy Press and removed my bio when I submitted a book review to magazines. That's how he does it now--changes my applications and submission letters. That's his new brand of censorship.

I imagine he makes changes in my Submittable submissions. Why wouldn't he?

Greg has also been actively "editing" my forthcoming book God's Hacker. Each time I read the manuscript, I find new words and sentences that have been changed. I have found the use of "lay" when "laid" was correct. And I found a previous draft in which I had in fact used laid! And I have found myriad word changes that are awkward and incorrect.

He hacked the CEO of Wipf & Stock to force him to drop Horses All Over Hell. We'll see what Greg does to Sunbury.

Gregory Wolfe Continues to Use Death Images to Harass Me and My Family
September 20, 2024. Greg has communicated his death wish for me a thousand times--and threats against my son. One of his favorite places to do this is on my Facebook friends list. Here is a pic of a tiger pursuing Winnie the Pooh--an attempt to keep it light--and next to it is a body lying on its face in cruciform, possibly a child's body, if you look at the ankles. It's probably not a dead body, but it suggests the appearance of one, and that's what matters to Greg. 

I have never seen these "friends" before. I believe Gregory Wolfe has swapped my actual friends for these friends. 

[Greg has edited the above narrative, removing any mention of a child. I restored it.]

My screen shot seems to have been darkened and blurred, when compared to the profile pic (I had blocked this profile, so I looked it up on my ex's computer). He often blurs posts I include on my blog, so that I have to repost.

Please view his many other hacking incidents that are related to his obsession with my son, below.

A Stunning Act of Censorship

October 8, 2024, email to Christian scholars. 

I mentioned that I have no idea what's going on regarding my Amazon author page and how it vanished. After all, Amazon algorithms really do auto-change author names occasionally, after shoppers type in the wrong name too many times. I have a long name so it makes sense that people would type in "Blackett" and let the autofill finish the rest.

But after thinking about it some more, I don't buy it. For one thing, I'm not a big author. People aren't typing my name into Amazon enough times to change algorithms.

Also, Gregory Wolfe is a daily, ardent hacker who is very sensitive about his activities getting out to the public more and more. He has two sides. He's a vicious, skilled hacker who wants me to see that he can change addresses on police forms and publishing submissions, who wants me to see that he placed his face on my blog, took my post about him offline, deleted all of my followers, and disabled comments, who has hacked members on this email list because he believed they were getting too close to me. He's showing off his power at these times, and giving a warning to others who might cross him.

But sometimes he doesn't want me to see what he's doing--this is Greg's hidden side--and I believe this business with Amazon is one of those times. I don't believe it's a coincidence that one month after I sold my novel God's Hacker, partly about him and his hacking, that my central tool for selling this book and for communicating to readers suddenly vanishes. 

This man has a thousand apps for tricks. I mentioned in my blog post how one time he removed Prime from my computer and I called customer service only to reach a sex line. He reconfigured the number on my end so it became a sex line when I called. He did that with an app. He can get into any system and make the changes he wants to.

It's not a stretch to imagine that he found an app on the darkwebs that could type the name "Blackett" into the Amazon system thousands of times to where the algorithm changed my name. At any rate, I believe he did something like that. And this was an act of hacking he wouldn't want to be seen, because it would amount to a serious act of censorship. The beauty of it is that the Amazon algorithm really does change names from time to time. He has cover there. The problem is that he's an ardent, daily hacker, so this potential glitch deserves much greater scrutiny and suspicion than it normally would.

In 2020, I mentioned to this group that he had gotten into my Xfinity account and made it almost impossible to complete the set up. When I tried to contact support, I got Gregory Wolfe on the texts! He wrote many silly, lighthearted things, like "Oops, sorry!" And he has done this a few other times at other apartments. I have mentioned that he pretended to be my son on Digital Touch. He has blocked countless calls I've tried to make on my phone, just to be an ass. He has created false waiting music for my calls to my doctor that are not in fact the music my doctor's office plays in its phone que. He can get into any system and sneak undercover. He is the very champion of darkweb apps.

He could certainly get into Amazon and achieve whatever wreckage he intends. So, why wouldn't he? Now that there is a book coming out that, although I have taken care to obscure his identity, threatens to shine more light on the black mass that is his life? A book that might knock off his goat's head and spill his chalice of blood? A book that would expose all the children in the pews and leave him vulnerable to further shame?

Gregory Wolfe has the skills and the fierce, constant obsession and sense of self-protection to seek to do whatever it takes. I don't believe for a second it was a glitch that my Amazon author page vanished one month after God's Hacker was accepted for publication. "Oops, sorry!" I do not believe it.

But in the long run, his action only helps my book.

Deletes Blog Posts
October 12, 2024. Gregory Wolfe has deleted almost all of my blog posts from Google. Then I looked at Duck Duck Go and found them all over there, and emailed the scholars about it. Within hours of that email, he'd pushed all of them down to far pages on Duck Duck Do. He's usually at his desk doing God knows what, but he reviews my emails I as send and receive them. Here are a few notices of my blog posts on Duck Duck Go, almost none of which appear on Google.

Greg has also disabled the copy function on my blogger, in the past couple of days, so I took screenshots of screenshots that were on my email and uploaded those.